About Khorezm

17721 марта ўқилди

6 октября т.г. в Хорезме при поддержке НК «Узбектуризм» побывала съемочная группа популярной передачи «Поедем, поедим!», выходящей каждую неделю на российском телеканале «НТВ».

18949 марта ўқилди

In this episode of Postcards we continue to explore the ancient city of Khiva in Uzbekistan.

18393 марта ўқилди

Khorezm Kovunlari LLC annually cultivates several varieties of melons on 50 ha in Begovot village of Urghench District. It is worth mentioning the benefit received from export of frozen melon variety Sarik Golubi to South Korea. Last year the export volume of melon in this country amounted to US$162,000. This year a relevant export contract has been signed.

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Under the Programme for the socio-economic development of Khorezm region in 2013-2015 Ideal Carpet company has been established in Gulobod village which produces high-quality and modern carpets.

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A striking example is the activity of Great Cotton Export LLC in Bagat District. The modern recently launched company employs 200 people. All produced products are exported. Thanks to a new weaving loom imported from China, the productivity, as well as work conditions, have been improved that creates an opportunity to produce high-quality products meeting international standards.

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In accordance with the Programme for the development of the tourism sector in Khorezm region in 2013-2015 it is planned to implement 200 projects. As of 01 October 2015, 100 projects have been fully implemented and 52 projects are underway.

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Recently Khorezm region has been visited by a group of members of the National Academy of Fine Arts of China and the Chinese Artists Association.

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In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Measures for the Implementation of the Master Plan for the City of Urgench, Cardinal Improvement and Water Supply in Khorezm Region dated 6 December 2012, in 2013-2020 it is planned to allocate 1,579 billion sums for works to implement Urgench Master Plan, as well as for improvement and water supply in Khorezm Region.