Ismail Jurjani
Zainaddin Abu-l-Fazail Ismail ibn Khurain al-Jurjani al-Khorezmi was born in 1042 in Jurjani (Gurgan, the town on the coast of the Caspian Sea) later he moved to Khoresm, where he lived and worked for a long time.

(Jurjan 1042 – Merv 1036) Renowned physician

Jurjani served Shah of Khoresm Qutbaddin Muhammad ibn Anushtagin (1097-1127) and his son Ala’addaula Atsis (1127-1156). The end of his life Jurjani spent in Merv, the ruler of which Sultan Sanjar provided great honor to him. Jurjani died in Merv in 1136.

Main Scientific Works

His main work in medicine Zahira-i Khorezm-shahi (The treasure of Khorezm-shah) Jurjani dedicated to Qutbaddin (1110). On behalf of his son – Atsiz in 1113 he composed a shortened version of Zahira, some kind of vade mecum in medicine.

Contribution to the World Science

In his major work – Zahira-i Khorezmshahi Jurjani for the firs time stated the entire medicine of his epoch in Persian and supplemented it with the results of his own observations.

Specific feature of Jurjani’s works is that they contain many interesting pieces of information about influence of local climate and other conditions of Khoresm on origin of these or those deceases as well as about various herbs, means of treatment connected with Khoresm.

World Recognition

Zahira-I Khorezm-shahi was very popular and considered to be as one of the main works in medicine of that time which is proved by the presence of its numerous manuscripts in different libraries of the world.

The author of ХII century Aruzi Samarqandi alines Jurjani’s works with those ones of Galen, Razi, Ibn Sino and other outstanding scientists. It was translated in Hebrew and in XVI c. in Turkish, and there is partial translation in old Uzbek language, rendered in XVIII century. In XX century the texts of Zahira was published in Iran. Its separate parts were translated into Uzbek.